Sunday 15 March 2015

Bored Panda

I have discovered a lovley and amusing website some time ago and I just want to recommed it to you. I noticed that it becomes more and more popular, so maybe you have already heard about it.
One thing is certain, browsing through this site you can waste a lot of time. :)

On the facebook profile we can read that it is ''a leading art, design and photography community for creative people”.
The page is divided into different categories, so everyone can find something interesting, The choice of the category depends on your personal preferences. You can choose for example: travel, photography, food art or simply you can view the most popular posts.
Anyone can add something, so the content is created by different users and what's more, all texts are written in English. I hope it can contribute to improve language skills. :)

I recently read about an Australian artist who uses candies to turn rooms into ''sweets wonderlands''. The pictures accompanying the text showed really fascinating effect. (link below).

For me, this page is in some way a source of inspiration. Another advantage is that you can find a lot of interesting and sometimes funny information in one place. As I said, unfortunately it can be transformed into wasting time on the Internet.

Check it out – !

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